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Selectmen's Minutes 2-12-13
Town of Hanson - Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes – Hanson Town Hall
February 12, 2013 - 7:30 p.m.

Members Present:        James A. Egan, Stephen Amico, Donald Howard, David Soper, Richard Flynn
Members Absent: None
Others Present: Rene’ J. Read, Town Administrator; Elizabeth Sloan, Town Clerk


Chairman Amico called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


Vote to call a Special Election for the purpose of a Recall Election

Town Clerk Elizabeth Sloan appeared before the Board to explain the timeframes associated with the Board’s calling a recall election.

Mr. Read provided the Board with copies of a calendar illustrating the first six (6) months of the 2013 year with three dates highlighted – Tuesday, April 30, 2013 (the date of the State Primary); Saturday, May 18, 2013 (the date of the Town Election); and Tuesday, June 25, 2013 (the date of the State Election).  Mr. Read explained that he and Ms. Sloan had conferred with Town Counsel on the matter of the recall election and found that it would be possible to hold the Recall Election on the same date as the Town Election and two ballots would be required for this process.

Ms. Sloan explained that the best scenario for the Clerk’s office and the Town would be to combine the recall election with the town election date.

Mr. Amico asked if there would be two ballots to which Ms. Sloan replied yes.

Mr. Amico asked how the ballots would be counted to which Ms. Sloan stated that the ballots are coded accordingly and will be tallied separately.

Mr. Amico asked if it would be confusing to which Ms. Sloan replied that it could be confusing no matter which way the election were held.  Mr. Amico noted that the Town may be required to hold an election in November as well for the schools for an override for the building project.

Mr. Egan stated that of the three dates, the May 18th date appeared to make the most sense.

Mr. Soper asked if the prescribed timeframes were part of state statute or Town bylaw to which Ms. Sloan replied that the Town bylaws state that the election must be held at least 45 days from the Board’s vote and the earliest it could be held would be April 20th.  Ms. Sloan stated that the statutes say the election must be held at least 64 days from the date of the Board’s vote.

A MOTION was made by Mr. Soper, and SECONDED by Mr. Egan to call a Special Election for the purpose of a Recall Election on Saturday, May 18, 2013 from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Ch. Amico called for a vote: Amico, Howard, Soper, Flynn and Egan voted “aye” in favor of the motion; motion carried.

Ms. Sloan requested that Mr. Read send her a letter noting the Board’s action this evening, to which Mr. Read agreed.

There was no further discussion on the matter.

Declaration of Snow Emergency

Mr. Read provided the Board with copies of a letter dated February 7, 2013, from Highway Surveyor Bob Brown, in which Mr. Brown requested that the Board of Selectmen vote to declare a Snow Emergency pursuant to MGL Chapter 44, Section 31D.

A MOTION was made by Mr. Howard, and SECONDED by Mr. Egan to declare a Snow Emergency pursuant to MGL Chapter 44, Section 31D.

Ch. Amico called for a vote: Amico, Howard, Soper, Flynn and Egan voted “aye” in favor of the motion; motion carried.

There was no further discussion on the matter.


A MOTION was made by Mr. Flynn, and SECONDED by Mr. Howard to adjourn the meeting.

Ch. Amico called for a vote: Amico, Howard, Soper, Flynn and Egan voted “aye” in favor of the motion; motion carried.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:43 p.m.

Minutes respectfully submitted by:

Rene’ J. Read, Town Administrator
Approved and Voted 5 - 0
February 19, 2013